
Showing posts from May, 2024
  CHIEF COMPLAINT :  C/o yellowish discolration of eye since 1 month  C/o SOB since 1 week  C/o b/l leg swelling since 1 week  HOPI  Patient was apparently alright 1 month ago after which he developed yellowish discoloration of eyes since 1 month insidious in onset ,gradually progressive . C/o SOB since 1 week insidious in onset , gradually in progressive from grade 1 to grade 111 (mmrc) .Aggrevated on walking , talking and relieved on taking rest .No c/o orthopnea ,PND , c/o B/L pedal edema pitting type , insidious in onset gradually progressed from ankle to below knee . C/O pain abdomen , drgging type of pain in right hypogastric region , non radiating , not associated with nausea ,vomiting and loose stools .c/o passing black colored stools  (malena + ), loss of appetite + loss of weight +  H/O similar episodes 1 month back  H/O hematemesis 5 months ago  PAST HISTORY  K/C/O DM since 1 year and on Tab GLIMI -M2 po/ N/k/C/o HTN , CAD ,CVA ,TB ,Asthma , Epilepsy  PERSONAL HISTORY  diet